Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Spongebob quote of the day provided to you by Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.

It's almost the end of 2009 so that means The 'Ropolitans is having Met of the Year voting. The first voting match-ups are David Wright against Jeremy Reed and Bobby Parnell faces off with Jeff Francoeur.

The first match-up is easy for me, David Wright gets my vote all the way. The second match-up is a tough one. Bobby Parnell was on the Mets first and he has a nickname, B-Parnz. Jeff Francoeur was only a Met for about half a season and he doesn't have a nickname. But he was somebody I secretly liked for a while during his Braves career. I guess you'll just never know who I vote for.

Mike Pelfrey is in a match-up later.
Ted Berg over at his blog TedQuarters explains one reason why Mike Pelfrey might not have had as bad a 2009 season as some people are saying. He explains why his walk rate really didn't get worse in 2009 even though a quick glance at the numbers would lead a person to believe that.

For obvious reasons I don't want to think Mike Pelfrey got worse in 2009. He certainly wasn't as good as he was in 2008 but he was better than 2007. Almost every player on the Mets had a bad 2009 compared to the rest of their career. I don't think the entire Mets team just got bad, but they really shouldn't have their careers judged by a one fluky year. That goes for Mike Pelfrey and others, including David Wright.

There's a lot to look forward to in 2010, and hopefully proving 2009 was fluke is something that comes from it.

Let's Go Mets!

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