Thursday, February 25, 2010

Because Baseball Isn't Interesting Right Now

We all know Spring Training has started.  There have been some workouts but nothing too exciting.  Unless you find it exciting that K-Rod has pink eye.  I've found all of one picture of Joe Smith and read one semi-interesting mini article about him.  Otherwise it has been the normal stuff about everybody.  Of course David is being optimistic.  What do you expect?

So, instead of talking about baseball I have a really cute video of Michael Del Zotto for you.  It's not really in the Olympic spirit because he's Canadian, but oh well.  The cuteness of this video is too amazing, especially towards the end when he talks about watching the injury on YouTube and saving the pictures of his wound.

Just watch.  It's cute.

Let's Go Mets!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, after that I just HAD to go watch him getting injured on Youtube. It was kind of weird, I agree. Although he probably meant him playing and seeing his own injury from a camera's point of view. He is kinda cute, in that confused sort of way.
