Monday, October 25, 2010


By now you all know about Mike Nickeas.  What you may not know is that in September I sent him a letter telling him that I'm a big fan.  Yup, I sent him fan-mail.  It's now towards the end of October and I was starting to think I wouldn't get a response.

Well, my wait ended today.  I found an envelope addressed to me and I wasn't really expecting anything in the mail.  I start to think this might be the picture I sent him to sign, but it's in a bigger envelope so I'm wondering what else is there.

I open it.

Mike Nickeas signed his batting practice cap and sent it to me.  I'm not kidding.  It says, "Ellie - Thanks for being an AWESOME fan!"  Awesome is actually underlined twice.  And his autograph is on the hat, too.

He also autographed and sent back the picture.

I really cannot stop smiling right now.  This is so cool.  Thank you, Mike.