Thursday, September 15, 2011

Depressing and Refreshing

The Mets went 1-8 on this home-stand, leaving 79 runners on base in those nine games.  There are an infinite amount of other pathetic statistics to represent this stretch.

However, it is not all bad.  After the game, Terry Collins did something that a Mets manager has not done for quite a while.  He took responsibility for the poor performance.  Collins exploded during his post-game press conference.  He called the team "embarrassing" and also admitted, "We folded it up."  He also said the fans have every right to be upset, and while that is obvious to all of the fans, it was nice to hear him make a point of it.

It was just nice hearing a Mets manager get mad at the team.  Jerry Manuel would have laughed it off as a rough stretch and Willie Randolph wouldn't have acknowledged that anything was going poorly.  Terry Collins was honest.  Brutally honest.

For the first time all season the Mets seem unmotivated and while it is not fun to think about right now, remembering how far they have come and how far Terry Collins brought the group of misfits and minor leaguers is impressive.  He kept their attention from the first day of Spring Training until September.  That sounds pretty good to me.  They have twelve games left and I think Collins has the ability to get this team to play hard for those twelve games.

Terry Collins is not going to let the Mets end this season embarrassed and on their butts.

Let's Go Mets!

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