Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Chandler Totally Wouldn't Go For This

One of the perks of becoming a minority owner of the Mets is getting to hang out with Mr. Met whenever you want. Yup. You get as much of that giant baseball headed mascot as you want. But I guess if you don't like big heads then don't bother buying part of the team.

This got me thinking about what I would do if I got to spend a day with Mr. Met.

Well, first I would sleep in because if I got to school with Mr. Met there is no way I would get in trouble. Once I got to school I'd bring him to all my classes. In each class he'd teach us different cheers and we'd sing Take Me Out To The Ballgame and Meet The Mets. For lunch we'd go into the village and make everyone there Mets fans. We'd get through the rest of my classes after lunch and then head out to have more fun after school. We would definitely go visit my sixth grade social studies teacher because he's a Mets fan. And after that it would be time to go to Citi Field for the game. Mr. Met would get me behind the scenes access to everything. I'd get to meet the players and be part of the pregame media sessions. Mr. Met would make a surprise visit to the SNY and WFAN booths during the game and of course I would come with him. After the Mets win I would go with him to congratulate Mike Nickeas on his awesome game and participate in the post game media sessions as well.

Then I'd go home and go to bed after a long, fun day. Of course, I'd wake up and it would all be a dream because spending a day with Mr. Met is too cool to be a reality.

Players come and go but Mr. Met is forever.
Let's Go Mets!

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