Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Buffalo Bisons And The Best Day Ever

The three hour drive didn't matter. Not even spending those three hours in the backseat of our Toyota Camry with both of my siblings couldn't ruin today. This day was for watching Minor League Baseball.

I got to Fenway at noon and after some adventures finding an open ticket window, found my way to my seat with my dad and brother. Our seats were two sections over from the visitor's dugout and in the second row. I saw people around the dugout and knew it was where I needed to be before the Bisons game.

The first game was between the short season A-ball Hudson Valley Renegades (Rays) and Lowell Spinners (Red Sox). I didn't pay too much attention to the game due in part to the fact that I was so close to baseball players and the fangirl in me was exploding.

I figured there would be a bit of time for the Renegades to clear out of the dugout before the Bisons took over but the PawSox came on the field almost immediately after the first game and the Bisons weren't far behind. I made my way to the area next to the dugout and found Mike Nickeas walking on the field. When I got Mike's attention (I almost want to say when he saw me but I don't know about that) he came over and we talked a little and I asked if I could get another picture with him. He was very nice and came back after he put his gear down.

At this point all the Bisons were in the dugout and I could recognize most of them and the day was already awesome because of Mike. I got the attention of Zach Lutz, Josh Satin, and Matt den Dekker and took pictures with all of them as well.

After all that the only player I really knew I wanted to see was Robert Carson. I kept looking over to see where he was and if he was close enough to call him over. However, as he was walking back from throwing and stretching he recognized me and smiled and came right over. Rob is one of the coolest guys ever. I follow him on twitter (@justrobcarson) and instagram (robcarson73) and he joked about me blowing up his instagram notifications earlier in the day. After we were done talking I asked if he could get Dylan Owen to come over. I talked to Owen a little and took a picture with him as well.

One my favorite parts of the day was when Wally Backman walked by as Rob Carson was signing for fans behind the dugout. I asked Wally who was catching and he responded that Nickeas was. After I gave that a thumbs up Carson laughed and my day was basically made with that.

The game itself was a lot of fun. Mike Nickeas, Zach Lutz, and Josh Satin all did nicely and my seats were directly behind where the on-deck batter waited. At one point my brother's ridiculous talking made Mike laugh. The Bisons won which was the cherry on top of an already amazing day.

After the game I went back next to the dugout where Mike Nickeas was signing autographs. I told him his hit made my day and he thanked me and said it made his day too. I said goodbye to him and was ready to head to dinner. But the fun wasn't over. Fenway Park is awesome because you can see the visiting players walk to the clubhouse. I made Zach Lutz smile when I said "Good game, Zach!" and saw Mike one last time.

I had a big, goofy smile on my face all day. I always love seeing Mike Nickeas more than anything else in the world. To add meeting so many other cool players to that is beyond words. I really cannot believe how awesome Mike Nickeas and the Bisons are.

Let's Go Bisons!

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