Thursday, October 4, 2012

I Have To Say It One More Time

Yesterday I basically listed what I loved the most about the 2012 baseball season.  However, there is one aspect of not only this season but the 2008, 2010, and 2011 seasons that has made my dreams as a 14-year old baseball fanatic come true.  Every baseball fan has that one player they root for unconditionally, no matter how they play or who they play for.  Everybody dreams of being able to meet that player.

2012 wouldn't have been so cool if I hadn't gone to Spring Training in 2008 and if I hadn't gone to that B-Mets game in 2010 and all the Mets games and the Bisons game in 2011.  2012 wouldn't have been my favorite baseball season if Mike Nickeas wasn't the coolest person on the face of the earth.

After 2008 my dream was to get his autograph again, now that I actually knew who he was.  My dream wasn't to go to a game, take a picture with him, have him toss me a baseball during the game, and see my brother get a bat from him.  My dream wasn't to write to him after he finally got his first major league call-up that year and get a hat from him in return.  My dream wasn't to go to Spring Training and have him remember me and then remember me at every game I went to after that.  My dream wasn't for him to know who I am, outside of a random fan and autograph-seeker.  That was all beyond my dreams, beyond anything I could possibly imagine.

I don't know how to thank Mike Nickeas and feel like it's anywhere near enough for how awesome he has been.  I'll probably eventually grow out of the excitement that comes with my favorite player knowing I exist.  However, right now I still have kid in me that finds it the most awesome thing in the world.

Thank you, Mike Nickeas.  I've said it before but I'm saying it again because I can't possibly say it enough.

Let's Go Mets!

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