Thursday, January 3, 2013

That Was A Nice Surprise

Mike Nickeas was interviewed on the Canadian radio station TEAM 1040 tonight (or this afternoon if you're actually in Vancouver where the station is based).  The show's hosts, B-Mac and Taylor, asked Mike various questions about topics such as his familiarity with R.A. Dickey and whether he knew any of his fellow Blue Jays.

Mike Nickeas said he was surprised when Sandy Alderson informed him that he was in the deal.  He seemed to be okay with the move, saying he it would be "neat having a fresh start" in another organization.  It should be good for him, getting experience with a new team and playing with different people.  The Mets knew what he would give to them and unfortunately they had seemingly seen enough.  He's going to help the Blue Jays whether he's in the big leagues or back with the Bisons.

Another topic discussed was Mike's possible spot on the Blue Jays.  He was asked what he thinks his role will be going into Spring Training, mentioning J.P. Arencibia as the starting catcher but not bringing up the acquisition of Josh Thole.  Mike said he would certainly do whatever he can to make the team out of Spring Training but will go wherever the Blue Jays the send him.

Of course, he was also asked about catching R.A. Dickey.  He explained that, yes, he has caught Dickey not only with the Mets but also when he was first experimenting with the knuckleball on the Rangers.  When describing R.A.'s pitch he said, "If it doesn't want to be caught, it's not going to be caught."  That really sums up the pitch perfectly.

It was just good to hear that Mike was upbeat about the situation.  When asked about whether he already knew any players on the team he quipped that "a lot of Marlins guys" are there now.

The Vancouver station obviously brought up that his dad played for the Whitecaps and that Mike wore #4 last season, which he proudly explained he chose for his dad.

Once the interview is online I'll post a link.  The hosts really liked talking to him and complimented him after the interview.  It was fun to listen to, even more so because it was totally unexpected.

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