Monday, February 4, 2013

Much Needed Perspective

It's always a little weird when you think about how your parents and grandparents and teachers and every adult ever was once a kid and a teenager and how they went through high school and college.  It's even weirder when you realize your favorite athletes fit in that category.

But that's why I thought this article was particularly interesting.  TV shows and movies make you think going to college is easy.  They make the transition seem flawless.  They never show anyone figuring out how to do work or talking to a million different people and only maybe becoming friends with two of them.  So even though this isn't something out of a show or a movie it is still nice to read.

I only go to school 200 miles away from home and I feel like I'm a world away so I can't imagine going across the country.  All these baseball players and other college athletes are still kids when they go away.  They may have chosen a certain school because of that particular team but that doesn't mean the transition is nonexistent.

My roommate last semester was on the basketball team.  She had to get up for 6:30 AM workouts more than once a week.  She also had regular practice and her classes and she tried to talk to people that weren't on the team.  I can't imagine the schedule for a Division I athlete when that D-III athlete had a full schedule.

Even the people that you look up to went through adjustment periods. Everything didn't just fall into place.

Every college athlete is a student.  They are all human.  Sometimes people need to be reminded of that.

I know this has close to nothing to do with baseball.  I know most people reading this are past college age.  I just happened to find this today and I'm glad I did because it made me feel a little bit better about my situation.

Let's Go Mets!

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