Saturday, September 26, 2009

I Get That They Need A Break And All...

In a week the Mets will be in the middle of their last series of the season. And a week from tomorrow at about 4:15, the Mets season will be over. For many people it will be a relief and a chance for the Mets to finally try to get back on track. But for me, it will be sad. Baseball season is the best time of the year, even when the Mets suck. And the offseason seems longer every year. And when the Mets spend their offseason doing next to nothing, there really is nothing to say. The playoffs will be okay, but it's awkward when you have to adopt a team for what most likely will be less than a month.

I try to enjoy other sports but baseball takes over and doesn't let me.

Football will take the headlines and SportsCenter will break down every touchdown and turnover. MLB Network will be interesting to see handle their first full offseason.

To get through the winter I might just need this to keep me warm. Just putting that out there if somebody wants to send me one.

Let's Go Mets!

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